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Konkurs międzynarodowy "Matera, city of culture" A museum for the ancient city 30.04.2018


Czas czytania: ~ 2 min

MATERA is a unique place, was the first site in Southern Italy to be named a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1993. The cultural landscape defines an extraordinary city, remembered with the acronym of "Città dei Sassi" or "Città Sotterranea" for the presence of most old rural population in the world.



There is no limit for the competition. Everybody wants to deal with the theme proposed is allowed to the contest, whatever their country of origin. There are no age limits, graduate students, graduates or professionals can enroll . You can participate as an individual or as a group. In the second case it is necessary to elect a leader to have a contact person to which official communications. Each participant may submit only one project and not be part of more than one group. Groups can be mixed or use more professional, they may be made simultaneously by graduate and undergraduate students.


Application is open until the last day of the delivery processed 30th of April 2018.
The application procedures are:
SPECIAL ENTRY: from 15th of January – 25nd of February the fee entry is of 30,00 euros for team (regardless of the number of competitors) and 20,00 euros if the participant is unique.
ORDINARY ENTRY: from 25nd of February - 15th of April the fee entry is of 40,00 euros for team (regardless of the number of competitors) and 25,00 euros if the participant is unique.


PardiniHall architecture, international studio with offices in London and Lucca – Walter Leone Santos, Venezuelan architect under 35 –– Oscar Moreira, Uruguayan architect UNDER 35 - RICCARDO RENZI, Architect and professor of florence University – Marima De Pace, architet of Matera – Pierangelo Laterza, photographer of Matera – Elisa Pieralli, technologist for the conservation and restoration of Cultural Heritage.


Winners & awards
The winners will be announced on the website of the Association no later than the date of 21th of May 2018. The first three works will be deserving, are not excluded special mentions.
- The winner will receive a prize of 1000,00 euro (excluding TAX).
- Top three finishers will have an annual digital subscription to MARK MAGAZINE.
- The winners and mentioned will be publicate on and (and on all the sector portals that will promote the initiative), participation in future contests, workshops, and tours organized by and


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